
LAMMPSisbuiltasalibraryandanexecutablefromsourcecodeusingeithertraditionalmakefilesforusewithGNUmake(whichmayrequiremanualediting),or ...,BuildLAMMPSwithCMake.ThispagedescribeshowtouseCMakeingeneraltobuildLAMMPS.Detailsforspecificcompiletimesettingsandoptionstoenable ...,BuildingLAMMPSwithtraditionalmakefilesrequiresthatyouhaveaMakefile.fileappropriateforyoursystemineitherthesrc...

3. Build LAMMPS

LAMMPS is built as a library and an executable from source code using either traditional makefiles for use with GNU make (which may require manual editing), or ...

3.1. Build LAMMPS with CMake

Build LAMMPS with CMake . This page describes how to use CMake in general to build LAMMPS. Details for specific compile time settings and options to enable ...

3.2. Build LAMMPS with make

Building LAMMPS with traditional makefiles requires that you have a Makefile.<machine> file appropriate for your system in either the src/MAKE , src/MAKE/ ...

3.4. Basic build options

LAMMPS is always built as a library of C++ classes plus an executable. The executable is a simple main() function that sets up MPI and then creates a LAMMPS ...

3.4. Basic build options — LAMMPS documentation

LAMMPS can be built as either an executable or as a static or shared library. The LAMMPS library can be called from another application or a scripting language.

3.6. Include packages in build

Include packages in build . In LAMMPS, a package is a group of files that enable a specific set of features. For example, force fields for molecular ...

3.8. Build the LAMMPS documentation

You can build the HTML or PDF files yourself, by typing make html or make pdf in the doc folder. This requires various tools and files. Some of them have to be ...

Compiling LAMMPS and using it with Python

Building LAMMPS with Python. For this course, we will be using a version of LAMMPS that has been built with the “Python” package and with shared libraries.